Group T3 Action Plans



Team Name


Virginia STEM: Mathematics Teacher Education

Team Leader
& Members


Manorama Talaiver -
Wendy Smith

Area & Recs


Teachers and Teacher Education 18, 19, 17





Develop mathematics curriculum for pre-service teachers that includes:


·        Content for teachers in middle grades mathematics

·        Methods that include/address

o       Multiple perspectives on any single mathematics problem which requires a deep understanding of content conceptually where the procedural then follows; these multiple perspectives/methods may include an interdisciplinary approach and problem solving

o       Address students, including the pre-service teachers and their future students, development of math-anxiety; this can include changing deep-seated attitudes about mathematics that are developed socially

o       The developmental needs of middle school students


These courses present perspectives for middle-school students since the needs of these students are developmentally different than that of elementary school or high school within, currently, the middle grades pre-service teachers are trained.

The research study for the development of such a program would have at its focus an influence on policy for the certification of middle school teachers separate from the current modes of certification (pre-service teachers).


Also, along these lines, a similar program then would be developed for K-5.  As the textbooks for public school mathematics are larger than is effective in order to cover all possible applications in the public school system across the country, so current programs for training pre-service teachers include more material than they need, or can possibly learn effectively, in order to cover all possible grade-level positions emerging K8 pre-service teachers would be hired to teach. 


Team Name


The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition

Team Leader
& Members


Loren Pitt -
Reuben Farley
Margie Mason
Mary Denise Walston

Area & Recs


Teachers and Teacher Education 18, 20, 21


Our action plan includes two areas:

Preparing Middle School Math Specialists and Preparing Algebra Teachers.


Middle School Math Specialists


The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition Middle Mathematics Specialist Task Force will study the role of Middle School Math Specialists (Coaches) with regard to how these positions differ from K-5 Math Specialists in terms what they actually do in schools as math specialists and what math content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge is desirable.  We will also examine the effectiveness of coaches in schools with designated math instructors vs. generalists.




One part focuses on preparing teachers to teach algebra.  We will research and develop programs to prepare middle school math teachers, special education teachers, and teachers of the gifted and talented to become algebra teachers who engage and support students in deepening their conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, automaticity, and productive dispositions in an algebra course.   We plan to develop and offer 24-credit hours of courses that will lead to an algebra endorsement.


These courses will focus on mathematical content including The Major Topics of School Algebra and Critical Foundations of Algebra and pedagogical content knowledge.


Research on the changes of teachers’ mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and correlations of the level of such teacher knowledge with student achievement will be undertaken.


We hope to influence state policy on coursework required for algebra endorsement.


Team Name


Prince William County (VA) Schools

Team Leader
& Members


Donna Stofko -
Carol Knight
Katherine Meints
Kathleen Morris

Area & Recs


Teachers and Teacher Education 18, 20


Prince William County Schools [PWCS] has a strong commitment to improving mathematics instruction at all levels. The central mathematics office recognizes that quality instruction in the early grades will foster success in mathematics for children in the middle and high school years. We are looking at the work we are doing at the elementary level to ensure we are moving in a direction that is in line with the NMP recommendations, and we are working to ensure that we consider these recommendations in the work we have started at the middle school level and revise our plan accordingly or as needed.


In the fall of 2006 our school division began implementing Investigations in Number, Data, and Space as the textbook series at the elementary level. Professional development is a large part of our implementation plan over the next several years. Also underway are plans targeted toward middle school with the aim of improving student achievement at these levels and increasing the number of students taking Algebra I by grade 8. As a result of these endeavors, we are providing professional development to support both teachers and administrators. In addition to this ongoing professional development, we offer tuition-free optional courses, including graduate level courses for K-8 teachers, designed to increase teachers' content knowledge in mathematics as well as changing pedagogical practices to a more inquiry-based approach; a K-8 mathematics specialist cohort; DMI classes; TERC training; Math Solutions training; as well as one-time, or short term professional development activities, finding that it is sometimes easier to “hook” teachers for long term PD by introducing them to high quality short term PD. We are encouraging and supporting Professional Learning Communities within and between schools (through lead teachers, grade level chair meetings, and teacher focus groups).


In addition to the rigorous ongoing PD, and the support provided by Elementary Instructional Support Teachers, for K-5 teachers using Investigations in Number, Data, and Space, we are currently providing or planning to provide teachers with PD and support for:


Assessment, including planning with the end in mind; using formative assessments to understand the mathematics students know and are able to do; PD in scoring and writing assessments, considering what students know and are able to do and how is it reflected in the students’ assessment response(s); and becoming fluent in using a rubric to score student work.


Involving more instructional specialists, including ESOL, SpEd, Gifted Ed, Title I, and Math Recovery teachers participating in long term PD; building capacity and tapping expertise of those specialists; collaborating with and developing content knowledge for classroom teachers to facilitate differentiation.


Involving administrators in recognizing quality mathematics instruction to provide productive, high quality instructional leadership.


Networking with other districts, etc. with programs in place for very gifted mathematics students. 


Our plan for middle school is aimed at improving student achievement at grades 6-8 and increasing the number of students who are prepared for algebra (i.e. whether by gr. 8 or beyond); and heeding the recommendations of the NMP and the VMSC and other available research to determine types of PD and support specific to middle school teachers.


Team Name


University of Virginia

Team Leader
& Members


Vickie L. Inge -
Robert Q. Berry
Irina Mitrea
Patricia Robertson

Area & Recs


Teachers and Teacher Education 19, 18, 20


Planning Ideas for New Virginia Department of Education MSP Grant Proposal—


The UVA team has identified several needs for in service teacher professional learning to take into consideration as we plan for the new state MSP proposal.


-        Vertical articulation of mathematical ideas in Grades 1- 8.  (Focal Points, New VA Sols, Preparation for Algebra as a Gr 1-8 focus)

-        Attention to balancing the conceptual development, procedural fluency, problem solving, factual knowledge, and developing student disposition. (Adding It Up)

-        Attention given to integrating the developing teachers understanding of the mathematics content with developing pedagogical skills (Teacher Content Knowledge for Teaching)


Delivery Mechanism:


  1. Create learning experiences around (potentially) five strands—Number and Number Sense, Fraction and Decimals, Algebraic Reasoning, Measurement, and Geometry
  2. Offer a Problem Solving and Lesson Study experience as a follow-up experience to the specific content experience.
  3. Determine how mathematics specialist and mathematics coaches can play a role in this project.


Next Planning Steps:


  1. Identify a team of mathematicians, mathematics educations, and school division math leaders to flesh out the idea.
  2. Develop a research focus.
  3. Identify how to include school administrators in this project.
  4. How to institutionalize Lesson Study as a school based tool for continuous improvement to sustain teacher’s professional learning.




Team Name


Virginia Beach (VA) Public Schools

Team Leader
& Members


Sandra S. Overcash -
Alison Cooper
Gretchen Lang Lerner

Area & Recs


Teachers and Teacher Education 19, 20, 18


The Virginia Beach project will explore the effect that site-based elementary math specialists can have on the conceptual math knowledge of teachers and the specialized knowledge of mathematics of teaching shown to have effects on student achievement.  As reported in the National Math Advisory Panel, teachers must know in detail and from a more advanced perspective the mathematical content they are responsible for teaching and the connections of that content to other important mathematics, both prior to and beyond the level they are assigned to teachSite-based math specialists provide ample opportunities for professional development, in a more focused way, based on both student data and the specific needs of the teachers in that building.  Site-based math specialists in elementary school have the unique opportunity to differentiate the on-going professional development in both design and delivery for the teachers in their building.  The project will explore the effectiveness of using various methods of delivery for professional development available to site-based math specialists including, but not limited to, cross-grade level sessions, grade level specific sessions, and individual coaching sessions.  Outcomes of the various professional development models on teacher knowledge of content and pedagogy will be assessed using both a pre-assessment tool and a post-assessment tool.  The goal of the project is to positively impact teacher and student learning with the knowledge and skills necessary in a 21st century classroom