2005 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences

New Perspectives for Boundary Value Problems

Athanassios Fokas, lecturer
May 16-20 at the University of Texas - Pan American
Lokenath Debnath and Andras Balogh, organizers
956-381-3459, debnathl@utpa.edu
956-381-2119, abalogh@utpa.edu

Nonlinear Dispersive and Wave Equations

Terence Tao, lecturer
June 13-18 at New Mexico State University
Joseph Lakey, Tiziana Giorgi, Cristina Pereyra,
Adam Sikora, and Robert Smits, organizers
505-646-2417, jlakey@nmsu.edu (Lakey)
505-646-2323, tgiorgi@nmsu.edu (Giorgi)
505-277-4147, crisp@math.unm.edu (Pereyra)
505-646-6269, asikora@nmsu.edu (Sikora)
505-646-2884, rsmits@nmsu.edu (Smits)

Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics of Ordered Sets

Anders Björner, lecturer
August 8-12 at San Francisco State University
Joseph Gubeladze and Serkan Hosten, organizers
415-338-7722, soso@math.sfsu.edu (Gubeladze)
415-338-7723, serkan@math.sfsu.edu (Hosten)