2011 NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences

Deformation Theory of Algebras and Modules

Martin Markl, lecturer
May 16-20 at North Carolina State University
Kailash C. Misra and Thomas J. Lada, organizers
919-515-8784, misra@math.ncsu.edu
919-515-8773, lada@math.ncsu.edu

Ergodic Methods in the Theory of Fractals

Harry Furstenberg, lecturer
June 18-23 at Kent State University
Dmitry Ryabogin and Artem Zvavitch, organizers
330-672-9085, ryabogin@math.kent.edu
330-672-3316, zvavitch@math.kent.edu

Global Harmonic Analysis

Steve Zelditch, lecturer
June 20-24 at the University of Kentucky
Peter Hislop and Peter Perry, organizers
859-257-6791, perry@ms.uky.edu
859-257-5637, hislop@ms.uky.edu

Radial Basis Functions: Mathematical Developments and Applications

Bengt Fornberg and Natasha Flyer, lecturers
June 20-24 at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Bengt Fornberg and Natasha Flyer, lecturers
Saeja Kim, Sigal Gottlieb, Alfa Heryudono, and Cheng Wang, organizers
508-999-8325, skim@umassd.edu
508-999-8205, sgottlieb@umassd.edu
508-999-8316, aheryudono@umassd.edu
508-999-8342, cwang1@umassd.edu

Mathematical Epidemiology with Applications

Carlos Castillo-Chavez and Fred Brauer, lecturers
July 25-29 at East Tennessee State University
    (Note date change, this is one week later than originally scheduled)
Ariel Cintron-Arias and Anant P. Godbole, organizers
423-439-7065, cintronarias@etsu.edu
423-439-5359, godbolea@etsu.edu

3-Manifolds, Artin Groups, and Cubical Geometry

Daniel T. Wise, lecturer
August 1-5 at City University of New York
Jason Behrstock, organizer
347-661-0835, jason.behrstock@lehman.cuny.edu