Complete Listing of All NSF-CBMS Conferences
1969 through 2016



Host Institution




University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Discrete Painleve Equations

Nalini Joshi


University of Texas at Austin

Topological Data Analysis: Topology, Geometry, and Statistics

Sayan Mukherjee




Host Institution




University of Wyoming

The Basic Homotopy Lemma, the Asymptotic Uniqueness Theorem, and the Classification of C*-Algebras

Huaxin Lin


North Dakota State University

Reflectionless Measures, Wolff's Potentials, and Rectifiability

Fedor Nazarov


Kent State University

Introduction to the Theory of Valuations on Convex Sets

Semyon Alesker




Host Institution




Brigham Young University

Combinatorial Zeta and L-Functions

Wen-Ching Winnie Li


University of Texas at Arlington

Inverse Scattering and Transmission Eigenvalues

David Colton

SIAM - 88 (2016)

Howard University

Mathematical Foundations of Transformation Optics

Allan Greenleaf


University of Alabama Birmingham

Quantum Spin Systems

Bruno Nachtergaele


Dartmouth College

Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs

Gunnar Martinsson


Winthrop University

Mathematical Phylogeny Conference

Mike Steel

SIAM-89 (2016)

North Carolina State University

Higher Representation Theory

Raphael Rouquier


Oklahoma State University

Problems of PDEs Related to Fluids

Peter Constantin




Host Institution




University of Texas-Pan American

Solitons in Two-Dimensional Water Waves and Applications to Tsuanmi

Y. Kodama


Kansas State University

The Global Behavior of Solutions to Critical Nonlinear Wave Equations

C. Kenig

AMS - 122 (2015)

Clemson University

Uncertainty Principles in Harmonic Analysis: Gap and Type Problems

A. Poltoratski

AMS - 121 (2015)

Michigan State University

Analysis of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

D. Khoshnevisan

AMS - 119 (2014)



Host Institution




University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Topological and Algebraic Regularity Properties of Nuclear C*-Algebras

Wilhelm Winter


University of Texas at Arlington

Mathematical Methods of Computed Tomography

Peter Kuchment

SIAM - 85 (2013)

University of Alabama in Huntsville

Small Deviation Probabilities: Theory and Applications

Wenbo V. Li


Brown University

Finite Element Exterior Calculus

Douglas N. Arnold


Texas Christian University

Hodge Theory, Complex Geometry, and Representation Theory

Phillip A. Griffiths

AMS - 118 (2013)

University of Massachusetts Boston

Unitary Representations of Reductive Groups

David Vogan


University of California Santa Cruz

Model Uncertainty and Multiplicity

James O. Berger


University of Washington

Statistical Climatology

Douglas W. Nychka


West Chester University of Pennsylvania

The Mathematics of the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Donald G. Saari




Host Institution




North Carolina State University

Deformation Theory of Algebras and Modules

M. Markl

AMS - 116 (2012)

Kent State University

Ergodic Methods in the Theory of Fractals

H. Furstenberg

AMS - 120 (2014)

University of Kentucky

Global Harmonic Analysis

S. Zelditch


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Radial Basis Functions: Mathematical Developments and Applications

B. Fornberg and
N. Flyer

SIAM-87 (2015)

East Tennessee State University

Mathematical Epidemiology with Applications

C. Castillo-Chavez and
F. Brauer

SIAM - 84 (2013)

City University of New York

3-Manifolds, Artin Groups, and Cubical Geometry

D. Wise

AMS - 117 (2012)



Host Institution




Tulane University

The Mathematics of Diffusions

W-M. Ni

SIAM - 82 (2011)

University of Texas-Pan American

Nonlinear Water Waves With Applications to Wave-Current Interactions and Tsunamis

A. Constatin

SIAM - 81 (2011)

North Carolina State University

Quiver Varieties and Crystal Bases of Quantum Affine Algebras

H. Nakajima

Iowa State University

The Mutually Beneficial Relationship of Matrices and Grapha

R. Brualdi

AMS-115 (2011)

Illinois Institute of Technology

Recent Advances in the Numerical Approximation of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

P. E. Kloeden

SIAM - 83 (2012)

University of California, Santa Cruz

Bayesian Nonparametric Statistical Methods: Theory and Applications

P. Müller

IMS/ASA - 9 (2012)



Host Institution




Texas Christian University

Topology, C*-Algebras, and String Duality

J. Rosenberg

AMS-111 (2009)

Texas A&M University

Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations

R. Rannacher


Central Connecticut State University

Families of Riemann Surfaces and Weil-Petersson Geometry

S. Wolpert

AMS-113 (2010)

Cleveland State University

Algebraic Topology in Applied Mathematics

R. Ghrist




Host Institution




Rice University

Imaging in Random Media

G. Papanicolaou


Howard University

Water Waves - Theory and Experiment

H. Segur


University of Texas at Arlington

Inverse Scattering for Radar Imaging

M. Cheney

SIAM-79 (2009)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Convex Duality Method in Mathematical Finance

M. Frittelli


Eastern Illinois University

Ergodic Ramsey Theory: A Dynamical Approach to Static Theorems

V. Bergelson


University of Central Oklahoma

Knots and Topological Quantum Computing

Z. Wang

AMS-112 (2010)

Kent State University

Malliavin Calculus and its Applications

D. Nualart

AMS-110 (2009)

Kansas State University

Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry

M. Gross

AMS-114 (2011)



Host Institution




University of Iowa

Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations

R. Glowinski

SIAM - 86 (2015)

University of Texas at San Antonio

Finite Morse Index Solutions and Related Topics

E. N. Dancer




Host Institution




University of Nevada Las Vegas

Mathematical and Numerical Treatment of Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Z.  Chen

SIAM-77 (2007)

North Carolina State University

Cluster Algebras and Applications

A. Zelevinsky


Kansas State University

The Interplay between Convex Geometry and Harmonic Analysis

A. Koldobsky

AMS-108 (2008)

Kent State University

Probabilistic and Combinatorial Approach in Analysis

M. Rudelson




Host Institution




University of Texas - Pan American

New Perspectives for Boundary Value Problems and Their Asymptotics

A. Fokas

SIAM-78 (2008)

New Mexico State University

Nonlinear Dispersive and Wave Equations

T. Tao

AMS-106 (2006)

San Francisco State University

Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics of Ordered Sets

A. Björner




Host Institution




University of Iowa

Graph Algebras: Operator Algebras We Can See

I. Raeburn

AMS-103 (2005)

Georgia Institute of Technology

Wave Packets, Multilinear Operators, and Carleson Theorems

C. Thiele

AMS-105 (2006)

California State University San Marcos

The Combinatorics of Large Sparse Graphs

F. Chung Graham

AMS- 107 (2006)

SUNY at Albany

Non-Positive Curvature in Group Theory

M. Bridson




Host Institution




University of Memphis

Expansion Methods in Combinatorics

C. Borgs


Wayne State University

Free Boundary Problems in Partial Differential Equations and Applications

D. Jerison


Illinois Institute of Technology

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and their Applications

J. Zabczyk


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Web of Modularity

K. Ono

AMS-102 (2003)

University of Notre Dame

Fully Nonlinear Equations in Geometry

N. Trudinger




Host Institution




University of North Carolina

Nonhomogenous Harmonic Analysis, Weights, and Applications in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory

A. Volberg

AMS-100 (2003)

Texas A&M University

Solving Polynomial Equations

B. Sturmfels

AMS-97 (2002)

East Tennessee State University

Structure and Decomposition of Graphs

R. Thomas


North Carolina A&T State University

Mathematical Methods in Nonlinear Wave Propagation

J. K. Shaw

SIAM-76 (2004)

University of North Texas

Geometric Graph Theory

J. Pach


Colorado School of Mines

Numerical Methods in Forward and Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering

P. Monk

SIAM-80 (2010)

Eastern Illinois University

The Dynamical Behavior of the Newtonian N-Body Problem

D. Saari

AMS-104 (2005)



Host Institution




North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Algebraic Combinatorics

A. Lascoux

AMS-99 (2003)

University of Washington

Environmental Statistics

R. L. Smith


University of Central Florida

Modular Elliptic Curves

H. Darmon

AMS-101 (2003)

Temple University

New Horizons in Multiple Comparison Procedures

Y. Hochberg


University of Missouri at Columbia

Equivalence of Dynamical Systems under Smooth Changes of Variables and Rigidity

R. de la Llave


University of Texas - Pan American

Using Spectral Data to Solve Inverse Problems

J. R. McLaughlin


Louisiana State University

Arrangements and Mathematical Physics

A. Varchenko

AMS-98 (2003)



Host Institution




University of Missouri at St. Louis

Interactions of Harmonic Analysis, Statistical Estimation, and Data Compression

D. Donoho


Texas Tech University

Superconvergence in Finite Element Methods

L. Wahlbin


Howard University

Lectures on the Geometrical Study of Differential Equations

N. Kamran

AMS-96 (2002)

Mercer University

The Existence and Non-existence of Periodic Orbits in Smooth Dynamical Systems

K. M. Kuperberg




Host Institution




University of Kentucky

Combinatorial Optimization: Packing and Covering

G. Cornuéjols

SIAM-74 (2001)

University of Florida

Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Related Topics

C. McCulloch

IMS/ASA-7 (2003)

University of Delaware

Mathematical Analysis of Viscoelastic Flows

M. Renardy

SIAM-73 (2000)

Michigan Technological University

Statistical Inference from Genetic Data on Pedigrees

E. Thompson

IMS/ASA-6 (2000)

University of Nebraska

Mathematical Control Theory of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations

I. Lasiecka

SIAM-75 (2002)



Host Institution




University of Central Florida

Wavelet Analysis as a Tool for Computational and Harmonic Analysis

R. Coifman


University of North Texas - Denton

Blocks of Finite Reductive Groups, Deligne-Lustig Varieties, and Complex Reflections Groups

M. Broué


Colorado State University at Fort Collins

Lectures on Division Algebras

D. Saltman

AMS-94 (1999)

University of Minnesota

Ergodic Theory, Groups, and Geometry

R. Zimmer

AMS-109 (2008)



Host Institution




Colorado School of Mines

Numerical Analysis of Hamiltonian Differential Equations

J. M. Sanz-Serna


North Carolina State University

Dynamic Systems in Structured Population Dynamics

J. M. Cushing

SIAM-71 (1998)

Georgia Institute of Technology

Shock Wave Theory

T. P. Liu

SIAM-72 (2000)

University of Missouri at Columbia

Longitudinal Data Analysis

N. M. Laird

IMS/ASA-8 (2004)

Florida Atlantic University

The Monge-Ampere Equation: Applications to Geometry and Optimization

L. Caffarelli


University of Iowa

Spectral Problems in Geometry and Arithmetic

Peter Sarnak




Host Institution




Texas Christian Univesity

Euler Products and Eisenstein Series

G. Shimura

AMS-93 (1997)

Texas Tech University

Advances in Inverse Spectral Geometry

C. Gordan


University of California at Davis

Normal Surfaces and Decision Problems in 3-Manifolds

J. H. Rubinstein




Host Institution




University of San Francisco

Numerical Linear Algebra on Parallel Processors

J. W. Demmel


University of Missouri at Columbia

Approximations Dynamics with Applications to Numerical Analysis

G. R. Sell


University of Kentucky

Nondestructive Evaluation and Inverse Problems

G. Uhlmann


California State University at Bakersfield

Probabilistic Aspects of Single Orbit Dynamics

B. Weiss

AMS-95 (2000)

North Dakota State University

Tight Closure, Big Cohen-Macaulay Algebras and Uniform Artin-Rees Theorem

C. Huneke

AMS-88 (1996)

Michigan Technological University

Probability, Algorithms, and Combinatorial Optimization

J. M. Steele

SIAM-69 (1997)

University of Colorado

Index Theory, Coarse Geometry and Topology of Manifolds

J. Roe

AMS-90 (1996)



Host Institution




New Mexico State University

Analytic Gauge Theory

C. H. Taubes

AMS-89 (1996)

University of Tennesee at Knoxville

Controlled Topology and the Characterizations of Manifolds

S. C. Ferry


California State University at Fresno

Recent Advances in Spectral Graph Theory

F. R. K. Chung

AMS-92 (1997)

SUNY at Albany

Complex Dynamics in Higher Dimensions

J. E. Fornaess

AMS-87 (1995)

University of Connecticut

Bayesian Methods in Finite Population Sampling: Theory and Applications

M. Ghosh




Host Institution




University of South Carolina

Semiparametric Mixture Models: Theory and Methods with Applications in Empirical Bayes, Measurement Error, and Random Effects Models

B. G. Lindsay

IMS/ASA-5 (1995)

North Carolina State University

Applications of the Representation Theory of Quantum Affine Lie Algebras to Lattice Models

T. Miwa

AMS-85 (1995)

University of California at Santa Cruz

Compensated Compactness, Homogenization, and H-Measures

L. C. Tartar


University of Alaska at Fairbanks

Equivariant Homotopy and Cohomology

J. P. May

AMS-91 (1996)

University of Oregon

Classification of Amenable Subfactors and Related Topics

S. T. Popa

AMS-86 (1995)



Host Institution




Case Western Reserve University

Turbulence of Nonlinear Waves

V. Zakharov


University of Louisville

Hamiltonian Graphs

R. Haggkvist


George Mason University

New Function Spaces and Geometric Analysis in Several Complex Variables

S. G. Krantz

AMS-81 (1993)

California State University at Fresno

Number Theory and Dynamical Systems

J. C. Lagarias


University of North Dakota

Uncertain Reasoning

G. Shafer

SIAM-67 (1996)

DePaul University

Hopf Algebras and Their Actions on Rings

S. Montgomery

AMS-82 (1993)



Host Institution




Louisiana State University

New Trends in Nonlinear Control Theory

I. Kupka


University of Missouri

Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

C. E. Kenig

AMS-83 (1994)

George Washington University

Multigrid and Multilevel Adaptive Methods for Partial Differential Equations

S. F. McCormick

SIAM-62 (1992)

University of Colorado

K-Homology and Index Theory

P. F. Baum


University of North Carolina

Higher Order Asymptotics with Applications to Statistical Inference

J. K. Ghosh

IMS/ASA-4 (1994)

Georgia State University

Qualitative and Structured Matrix Theory

C. R. Johnson




Host Institution




DePaul University

Polynomial Identities and Invariants of n by n Matrices

E. Formanek

AMS-78 (1991)

University of Central Florida

Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Systems

T. B. Benjamin


Kansas State University

The Interface between Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis

H. Montgomery

AMS-84 (1994)

University of Lowell


I. Daubechies

SIAM-61 (1992)

North Dakota State University

Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory

H. Furstenberg


Kent State University

Curves and Surfaces: An Algorithmic Viewpoint

C. A. Micchelli

SIAM-65 (1994)

University of Alaska

Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods

H. Niederreiter

SIAM-63 (1992)

Texas Christian University

Coordinates in Operator Algebra: Groupoids & Categories, their Representations and Applications

P. Muhly




Host Institution




University of Oklahoma

Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs, and Invariant Measures

A. Lubotsky


University of California at Davis

Function Estimation in the Context of Independent and Dependent Observations

M. Rosenblatt

IMS/ASA-3 (1991)

Auburn University

Harmonic Analysis, Real Function Spaces and Related Areas

G. Weiss

AMS-79 (1991)

George Washington University

Projection Pursuit and Related Computationally Intensive Techniques for Analyzing Multivariate Data

J. Friedman


University of Chicago

Circuit Complexity

M. Sipser


Butler University

Scientific Computation

R. S. Varga

SIAM-60 (1990)

University of Washington

Algebraic Ideas in Ergodic Theory

K. Schmidt

AMS-76 (1990)

University of Hawaii

Heat Equations in Geometry

R. S. Hamilton


University of Montana

Singular Integral Operators

F. M. Christ

AMS-77 (1990)



Host Institution




University of Kentucky

Mathematical Foundations of the Boundary Element Method

W. Wendland


United States Naval Academy

Applications of Operator Algebras to Knot Theory and Mathematical Physics

V. Jones

AMS-80 (1991)

Northern Arizona University

Arrangements of Hyperplanes

P. Orlik

AMS-72 (1989)

University of Iowa

Empirical Processes, Theory and Applications

D. Pollard

IMS/ASA-2 (1990)

Loyola University of Chicago

Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

L. C. Evans

AMS-74 (1989)

Eastern Illinois Universty

Kaehler Geormetry and Several Complex Variables

Y. T. Siu


George Mason University

Nonlinear Wave Theory

W. A. Strauss

AMS-73 (1989)

University of Florida

K-Theory and Dynamics

F. T. Farrell

AMS-75 (1990)



Host Institution




Bringham Young University

Nonlinear Diffusive Waves and Applications

P. Fife

SIAM-53 (1988)

Washington University

Gauge Theory

K. Uhlenbeck


University of Michigan

Group Invariance Applications in Statistics

M. L. Eaton

IMS/ASA-1 (1989)

Colorado College


H. L. Wilf

SIAM-55 (1989)

Texas Tech University

Methods of Equavalence and Applications to Control Systems

R. B. Gardner

SIAM-58 (1989)

Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State University

Group Actions on Manifolds

S. Cappell


Howard University

Theory and Applications of Multivariate Splines

C. Chui

SIAM-54 (1988)

University of Cincinnati

Fractal Geometry

B. Mandelbrot


University of New Mexico

Kaluza-Klein Theory

J. P. Bourguignon




Host Institution




Emory University

Dynamic Optimization

F. Clarke

SIAM-57 (1989)

West Virginia University

Mathematical Modeling in Energy and Environmental Sciences

 R. Ewing


North Carolina State University

Stochastic Processes

H. C. Tuckwell

SIAM-56 (1989)


Deformation Spaces of Algebraic and Geometric Structures

J. W. Morgan


DePaul University

Harmonic Analysis

R. F. Gundy

AMS-70 (1989)

Fort Lewis College

Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics

J. Spencer

SIAM-52 (1987) SIAM-64 (1993)

Bowling Green State University

Heirarchical and Empirical Bayesian Models and Methods

A. F. M. Smith


Ohio State University

Mathematical Statistics

G. Wahba

SIAM-59 (1990)



Host Institution




University of Alabama

Applications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to Computer Science

C.L. Liu


University of Alaska

Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis

E.W. Cheney


Arizona State University

Special Functions, Physics, and Computer Science

G. Andrews

AMS-66 (1986)

University of California

Jordan Algebras and Their Applications to Analysis, Operator Theory, and Quantum Mechans

H. Upmeier

AMS-67 (1987)

Mankato State University

Group Rings, Crossed Products, and Galois Theory

D. Passman

AMS-64 (1986)

Michigan State University

New Construction of Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Ball of Cn

W. Rudin

AMS-63 (1986)

University of Nebraska

Optimization in Operator Theory, Analytic Functions, and Electrical Engineering

J. W. Helton

AMS-68 (1987)

Oklahoma State University

Stochastics of Species Abundance and Community Composition

G.P. Patil


Pennsylvania State University

Construction and Salient Properties of Nonparametric Priors

J. Sethuraman


West Chester University

Combinatorial Theory and Invariant Theory

G.C. Rota

AMS-69 (1987)



Host Institution




Arizona State University

Dilation Theory and the Structure of the Predual of a Dual Operator Algebra

C.M. Pearcy

AMS-56 (1985)

University of Georgia

Analysis on Non-Riemannian Symmetric Spaces

M. Flensted-

AMS-61 (1986)

Emory University

External Graph Theory

B. Bollobas

AMS-62 (1986)

University of Missouri

Factorization of Linear Operators and Geometry of Banach Spaces

G. Pisier

AMS-60 (1986)

University of Notre Dame

Geometric Algebras and Ends of Maps



Purdue University

Exchangeability and Partial Exchangeability

P. Diaconis


University of Oregon

An Algorithmic Theory of Geometry, Number Theory, and Combinatorics

L. Lovasz


Case Western Reserve University

Theory and Applications of J Inner Matrices

H. Dym

AMS-71 (1989)

Oklahoma State University

Minimal Surfaces and Their Applications to Low Dimensional Topology

W. H. Meeks


University of Florida

Multivariate Estimation: A Synthesis of Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches

J.O. Berger


University of California

Mathematical Ecology

S.A. Levin




Host Institution




Texas Tech University

Quasitriangularity and Analyticity in Operator Algebras

W. Arveson

AMS-55 (1987)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Complexity Theory and its Applications

D.J. Kleitman


University of California

Yang Mills Theory and the Topology of 4-Manifolds

H.B. Lawson

AMS-58 (1985)

University of Chicago

Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups over p-adic Fields

R. Howe

AMS-59 (1985)

George Mason University

Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry

W. Fulton

AMS-54 (1984)

University of Iowa

Theory and Applications of Sequential Nonparametrics

P. Sen

SIAM-49 (1985)

Louisiana State University

Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces and Their Applications

K. Ito

SIAM-47 (1984)

University of Miami

Minimax Methods in Critical Point Theory and Applications to Differential Equations

P. Rabinowitz

AMS-65 (1986)

University of Minnesota

Combinatorics of Iterated Mappings

W. Thurston


New York Polytechnic Institute

Curvature and Partial Differential Equations

J. Kazdan

AMS-57 (1985)



Host Institution




Southern Illinois University

Large Deviations

S. Varadhan

SIAM-46 (1984)

Utah State University

Competition Models in Ecology

P. Waltman

SIAM-45 (1983)

Colorado State University

Mathematical Theory of Laminar Combustion

J. D. Buckmaster and G. Ludford

SIAM-43 (1983)

East Carolina University

Nonlinear Waves and Integrable Systems

A. Newell

SIAM-48 (1985)

University of Oregon

Second Order Asymptotics in Statistics

W. van Zwet


University of Florida

Closed Geodesics on Riemann Manifolds

W. Klingenberg




Host Institution




University of North Carolina

Representations of Semi-simple Lie Groups and Applications

N. Wallach


Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Graph Algorithms

R. Tarjan

SIAM-44 (1983)

Texas A&M University

Quantile Processes and Their Applications

M. Csorgo

SIAM-42 (1983)

Cleveland State University

Martingale Theory in Harmonic Analysis and Banach Spaces

D. Burkholder


Carleton College

Orderings and Quadratic Forms over Finite Fields


AMS-52 (1983)

University of California at San Diego

Hyperbolic Geometry, Three Dimensional Topology, and Kleinian Groups

D. Sullivan


Northern Illinois University

Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis

R. Temam

SIAM-41 (1983)

University of Florida

Bifurcation and Symmetry Breaking

D. Sattinger

SIAM-40 (1983)

University of Iowa

Automorphism Groups of von Neumann Algebras and the Structure of Factors

M. Takesaki

AMS-51 (1983)



Host Institution




Bowling Green University

Jackknife and Bootstrap Methods in Statistics

B. Effron

SIAM-38 (1982)

University of Texas

Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications to Differential Equations

J. Hale

AMS-47 (1981)

SUNY at Albany

Brown-Peterson Homology

S. Wilson

AMS-48 (1982)

Oklahoma State University

Asymptotic and Sequential Estimation and Testing

M. Woodroofe

SIAM-39 (1982)

Washington University

Affine and Projective Structures on Complex Manifolds

S. Kobayashi


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Mathematical Modeling of the Hearing Process

C. Steele


Emory University

Homology and Dynamical Systems

J. Franks

AMS-49 (1982)

Tulane University

Harmonic Maps

J. Eells

AMS-50 (1983)

Pomona College

Global Topological Methods in Applied Mathematics

J. Yorke




Host Institution




University of Georgia

Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

P. Griffiths

AMS-44 (1980)

Iowa State University

Mathematical Population Genetics

J.F. Kingman

SIAM-34 (1980)

SUNY at Albany

Ergodic Theory

B. Weiss


University of Tennessee

Finite Elasticity

M. Gurtin

SIAM-35 (1981)

St. Olaf College

Ramsey Theory

R.L. Graham

AMS-45 (1981)
AMS-123 (2016)

University of Missouri

Recent Advances in Reliability

F. Proschan


Oakland University

Recent Progress in Operator Algebras

E. Effros

AMS-46 (1981)

University of Montana

Approximation of Population Processes

T.G. Kurtz

SIAM-36 (1981)

George Mason University

Analytic Methods in Commutative Algebra

M. Hochster


Tufts University

Recent Developments in Celestial Mechanics

R. McGehee




Host Institution




Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The Logic of Computer Programming

Z. Manna

SIAM-31 (1980)

Shippensburg State College

Operations Research

W.F. Lucas


Southern Illinois University

Modeling and Differential Equations in Biology

H.T. Banks


University of Rhode Island

Approximation Theory

D.J. Newman

AMS-41 (1979)

SUNY at Buffalo

Integer Programming

E. Johnson

SIAM-32 (1980)

Ball State University

Mathematics in Thermodynamics

J.B. Serrin


University of Utah

Spectral and Scattering Theory

S. Agmon


Colorado State University

Nonlinear Functional Analysis

H. Brezis


University of Pittsburgh

Computational Complexity

S. Winograd

SIAM-33 (1980)

Oklahoma State University

The Topology of Manifolds

R.D. Edwards


East Carolina University

Special Functions and Representations of Lie Groups

J. Dieudonne

AMS-42 (1980)

University of Lowell

Hamiltonian Systems

J.E. Marsden

SIAM-37 (1981)

University of California at Davis

Geometric Methods in Nonlinear Systems

R.W. Brockett




Host Institution




Cleveland State University

Classical Analysis and Solvmanifolds

L. Auslander

AMS-34 (1977)

University of Georgia

Diffusion Processes and Biology

S. Karlin


Claremont University Center

Topological Methods in Boundary Value Problems

J. Mawhin

AMS-40 (1979)

Southeastern Massachusetts University

Modern Techniques in Data Analysis

J. Tukey


Colby College

Graph Theory and Problems of Society

F.S. Roberts

SIAM-29 (1978)

North Dakota State University

On Axiom A Diffeomorphisms

R. Bowen

AMS-35 (1978)

Northern Illinois University

Polynomial Rings and Affine Spaces

M. Nagata

AMS-37 (1978)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Stability

J.T. Stewart


University of Wisconsin at Madison

Representations of Finite Chevalley Groups

G. Lusztig

AMS-39 (1978)

Virgina Polytechnic Institute

Three-Manifold Topology

W. Jaco

AMS-43 (1980)

University of Washington

Geofluiddynamical Wave Mathematics

M.J. Lighthill


Jackson State University

Approximate and Exact Computation

R.T. Gregory




Host Institution




University of Nebraska

Transference Methods in Analysis

G. Weiss

AMS-31 (1977)

University of Colorado

Invariant Sets and the Morse Index

C. Conley

AMS-38 (1978)

University of Houston

Nonlinear Diffusion

D.G. Aronson


St. Olaf College

Optimal Facility Locations

A.J. Goldman


University of Pittsburgh

Complex Manifolds in Relativity

R. Penrose


Kent State University

Banach Spaces and Operators

A. Pelczynski

AMS-30 (1977)

University of Iowa

Robust Statistical Procedures

P.J. Huber

SIAM-27 (1977)

Illinois State University

Small Fractional Parts of Polynomials

W.M. Schmidt

AMS-32 (1977)

Old Dominion University

Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods

S.A. Orszag

SIAM-26 (1977)

University of Minnesota

Factorizations in Finite Groups

G. Glauberman

AMS-33 (1977)

Texas A&M University

Computational Complexity

J. Hartmanis

SIAM-30 (1978)



Host Institution




University of Alabama

Convexity and Mathematical Programming

V.L. Klee


University of Nevada

Geometrical Probability

H. Solomon

SIAM-28 (1978)

Washington State University

Applications of Finite Mathematics

S.W. Golomb


Northern Arizona University

Singular Perturbations

W.A. Harris


Stevens Institute of Technology

Algebraic Analysis of Flowchart Algorithms

C.C. Elgot


Texas Tech University

Numerical Solution of Boundary Problems

H.B. Keller

SIAM-24 (1976)

Medical University of South Carolina

Sampling and its Applications

H.O. Hartley


Bucknell University

Recent Work in Operator Theory

C.M. Pearcy

AMS-36 (1978)

Carleton College

Class Groups and Picard Groups

I. Reiner

AMS-26 (1976)

Mississippi State University

Stability of Dynamical Systems

J.P. LaSalle

SIAM-25 (1976)

Guilford College

Hilbert Cube Manifolds

T.A. Chapman

AMS-28 (1976)

University of North Carolina

Symplectic Manifolds

A. Weinstein

AMS-29 (1977)



Host Institution




University of New Mexico

Partial Differential Equations

L.E. Payne

SIAM-22 (1975)

University of Connecticut

Integration in Function Spaces

M. Kac


Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Funcitions

R. Askey

SIAM-21 (1975)

University of Nebraska

Modules over Commutative Rings

M. Hochster

AMS-24 (1975)

Ohio State University

Nonparametric Decision Theory

T.S. Ferguson


College of William and Mary

Performance of Computing Systems

S. Rosen

SIAM-23 (1976)

University of Wisconsin at Parkside

Relation Modules of Finite Groups

K.W. Gruenberg

AMS-25 (1976)

University of Wyoming

Set Theoretic Topology

M.E. Rudin

AMS-23 (1975)

University of West Florida

Mathematical Theories of Populations

F. Hoppensteadt

SIAM-20 (1975)

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Ergodic Theory

D.S. Ornstein


University of Tennessee

Surgery Theory in Topology

W. Browder


Washington University

Theory of Foliations

H.B. Lawson, Jr.

AMS-27 (1977)



Host Institution




SUNY at Buffalo

Time Delay and Scattering

C.S. Morawetz

SIAM-19 (1975)

University of Rhode Island

Differential Games

A. Friedman

AMS-18 (1974)

Kent State University

Approximation and Functional Analysis

I. Singer

SIAM-13 (1974)

University of Wisconsin at Whitewater

Holomorphic Functions

W. Stoll

AMS-21 (1974)

University of Alabama

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

I. Olkin


Johns Hopkins University

Conjugate Duality and Optimization

R.T. Rockafellar

SIAM-16 (1974)

University of Missouri at Columbia

Theory of Indexing

G. Salton

SIAM-18 (1975)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Mathematical Biofluiddynamics


SIAM-17 (1975)

Colorado State University

Methods of Algebraic K-Theory

H. Bass

AMS-20 (1974)

SUNY at Binghamton

Topological Methods in Algebraic Topology

E.E. Floyd


Princeton University

Image Analyzing Computers

J. Serra


University of New Mexico

Programming Methodology

E. D. Dijkstra




Host Institution




Texas Tech University

Linear Partial Differential Equations

L. Nirenberg

AMS-17 (1973)

George Washington University

Combinatorics of the Symplectic Group

G.C. Rota


Michigan State University

Mathematical Problems in the Biological Sciences

S.O. Rubinow

SIAM-10 (1973)

University of Georgia

Banach Algebra Techniques

R.G. Douglas

AMS-15 (1973)

University of California at Riverside

Approximation Theory

G.G. Lorentz


Carleton College

Decidable and Undecidable Problems

P.J. Cohen


University of Montana

Measure Algebras

J.L. Taylor

AMS-16 (1973)

Vanderbilt University

Eigenvalue Approximation

H.F. Weinberger

SIAM-15 (1974)

University of Pittsburgh

Systems of Nonlinear Equations

W.C. Rheinbolt

SIAM-14 (1974)
SIAM-70 (1998)

Indiana University

Algorithm Description

J.T. Schwartz


University of North Carolina

Multiple Time Series Analysis

E. Parzen


Arizona State University

Linear Groups

O.T. O'Meara

AMS-22 (1974)



Host Institution




University of New Hampshire

Hilbert Space Operators

B. Sz-Nagy

AMS-19 (1974)

Northwestern University

Cardinal Spline Interplolation

I.J. Schoenberg

SIAM-12 (1973)

University of Oklahoma

Arrangements and Spreads

B. Grunbaum

AMS-10 (1972)

American University

Homological Dimensions of Modules

B. Osofsky

AMS-12 (1973)

University of Arkansas

Recent Work in Function Algebras

I. Glicksberg

AMS-11 (1972)

Dartmouth College

Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces

S. Helgason

AMS-14 (1972)

University of Maryland at Baltimore County

Optimal Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

J.L. Lions

SIAM-6 (1972)

SUNY at Buffalo

Distribution Theory

J. Durbin

SIAM-9 (1973)


Conservation Laws and Shock Waves

P.D. Lax

SIAM-11 (1973)

New Mexico State University

Sequential Analysis and Optimal Design

H. Chernoff

SIAM-8 (1972)

University of Colorado

Operating System Principles

P.J. Denning




Host Institution




Texas Christian University

Ten Problems in Hilbert Space

P. R. Halmos


University of Missouri at St. Louis

The Edge of the Wedge

W. Rudin

AMS-6 (1971)

Michigan State University

Vector Fields on Kahler Manifolds

Y. Matsushima

AMS-7 (1971)

University of Oklahoma

Ring Theory

I.N. Herstein

AMS-9 (1971)

Dartmouth College

Unitary Group Representations

C.C. Moore


Kansas State University

Translator Writing Systems

D. Cries


University of Pittsburgh

Differential Topology in Relativity

R. Penrose

SIAM-7 (1972)

Boston University

Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory

R.S. Varga

SIAM-3 (1971)

Oregon State University

Bayesian Statistics

D.V. Lindley

SIAM-2 (1972)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Homological Algebra

P.J. Hilton

AMS-8 (1971)

University of Iowa

Weak Convergence of Measures

P. Billingsley

SIAM-5 (1971)

Pennsylvania State University

Basic Computational Theories

M.L. Minsky




Host Institution




University of Texas

Nilpotent Groups

G. Baumslag

AMS-2 (1971)

Case Western Reserve University

Global Differential Dynamics

L. Markus

AMS-3 (1971)

University of Hawaii

Operator Algebras

I. Kaplansky

AMS-1 (1970)

University of Tennessee

Ordinary Differential Equations

F.V. Atkinson


SUNY at Plattsburg

Automata and Computation

J. Hartmanis


University of Maine

Twisted Honeycombs

H.S.M. Coxeter

AMS-4 (1970)

Pennsylvania State University

Algebra and Logic

A. Tarski


University of Missouri at Rolla

Numerical Solutions of Elliptic Equations

G. Birkoff

SIAM-1 (1972)

Florida State University

Limit Theorems in Statistics

R.R. Bahadur

SIAM-4 (1971)

Morehouse College

Automata and Church's Problem

M.O. Rabin

AMS-13 (1972)

New Mexico State University

Recent Work in Homotopy Theory

G.W. Whitehead

AMS-5 (1970)