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 Innovation Grant Awards

Five ExxonMobil Innovation grants were made at the National Summit on November 3, 2001, and an additional 10 awards were made in December, 2001. The mathematics departments receiving these awards are listed below.  

For the awards made at the National Summit, the links below will bring you to you to a news release describing the project for which the award was granted and a picture of the presentation of the award.

Information about the application procedure and selection criteria is archived here

Remarks by Ed Ahnert prior to awarding the ExxonMobil Innovation Grants at the National Summit:

In support of the belief that the mathematics community can lead the way in providing good models for building the kinds of cooperative efforts needed for long term improvement of teacher education, the ExxonMobil Foundation will offer 12 planning grants ( 5 now and 7 on December 14) of $3,000 each to assist you, the National Summit participants, in developing plans for partnerships or other innovative cooperative efforts among groups involved in the mathematics education of teachers. Teacher education in this context includes both the preparation of future teachers and the on-going education of practicing teachers. These grants are intended to provide the participant teams with the resources needed to engage in thoughtful planning, with appropriate partners, to develop an action plan which will then be supported by the local institutions involved or which can be used to obtain external federal or private foundation funding. 

[Editor's note: It was possible to make 15 awards rather than the planned 12 since there were some funds remaining in the National Summit grant to CBMS from the ExxonMobil Foundation.]

Awards Announced at the National Summit:

East Tennessee State University

Humboldt State University

Northeastern State University

University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Southern Colorado

Awards Announced in December, 2001:

Columbus State University 
Jacksonville State University 
Minnesota State at Mankato 
Minnesota State at Moorhead 
Montgomery College 
Ohio University 
Rutgers University 
Towson State University 
University of Georgia and the American Statistical Association
University of Virginia at Wise