
Brian Drew
The Executive Committee of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) joins our colleagues around the world in sadness and alarm at the events unfolding in Ukraine. Our thoughts and hearts are with our families, friends, and colleagues in the region and those around the world impacted by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia....
The CBMS Executive Committee has offered the position of Director to Charlie Steinhorn, and he has accepted. As of the end of January, he took over from David Bressoud who has served in this position since January, 2017.
ParaDIGMS (Diversity in Graduate Mathematical Sciences),, is a collection of activities to help graduate program leaders connect with each other and to help foster diversity in the mathematical sciences at the graduate level.
MoMath has just released, publicly and at no charge, the videos from its recent gala, “Real and Rational.”
NCTM and NCSM have issued a joint statement on Moving Forward: Mathematics Education in the Era of COVID-19.
Numerous member societies have issued statements in response to the systemic racism that has been brought back to national attention by the murder of George Floyd:
CBMS has joined the societies protesting the NIH decision to revoke the peer-reviewed research grant for studies of coronaviruses by EcoHealth Alliance. This grant came under attack from President Trump because of the investigator’s collaboration with experts in China.
The presidents of the four member societies of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics—ASA, AMS, MAA, and SIAM–have submitted their protest against the April 22 proclamation that will impact the admission of foreign graduate students to Kelvin Droegemeier, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
By: Rachel Levy, Deputy Executive Director MAA @mathcirque The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) recognizes the unusual circumstances faced by the mathematical sciences community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students, staff, and faculty are facing demanding challenges due to increased caregiving responsibilities, economic hardships, and a lack of resources for teaching and learning, including access...
The NSF-CBMS conference on Gaussian Random Fields, Fractals, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, and Extremes at University of Alabama, Huntsville has been postponed until August 2–6, 2021.
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