Article I. Officers

Section 1. The officers of CBMS shall be a Chair, a Chair–elect, or Past–chair, additional elected members of the Executive Committee as specified in Article III Section 1, a Secretary and a Treasurer (or Secretary–Treasurer).

Section 2. Election of officers is by the Council. The election shall occur at the annual meeting of the Council for terms beginning immediately upon election. The Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer(or Secretary–Treasurer) each serve for a period of two years. The Chair–elect and immediate Past–Chair serve for one year. These officers shall serve until their successors have been duly elected.

Section 3. The Council shall fill a vacancy in any office at a regular meeting or by mail vote if necessary.

Article II. Meetings of the Council

Section 1. The Council shall hold regularly two meetings a year, approximately six months apart. The first regularly scheduled meeting in a calendar year shall be referred to as the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. The scheduling of meetings may take account of the meetings of other organizations likely to be attended by members of the Council.

Section 3. One–half of the Council shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. If the president of a member society is unable to attend a meeting of the Council, he or she may appoint a substitute from the society to attend in his or her stead with full voting rights.

Article III. Committees

Section 1. There shall be an executive committee of the Council consisting of the Chair, Chair–Elect or Past–­Chair, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary–Treasurer), and two additional elected members. Each of the two additional members shall be a president of a member society at some time during the year he or she takes office. They shall be elected by the Council at its annual meeting for a term of two years. Their terms shall expire in alternate years.

Section 2. The executive committee shall have the power to act for the CBMS on matters on which authority has been delegated to it by the Council and which require immediate action at times when the Council is not in session. It shall be responsible for personnel employed by the CBMS. At least thirty days before the annual meeting, the executive committee shall distribute to all members of the Council a recommended budget for the subsequent fiscal year. This recommended budget shall be based on a report drafted by the Treasurer. The Council shall adopt a budget at the annual meeting and determine the dues necessary for its support.

Section 3. The Council may establish additional committees as required for the work of the CBMS. The members of these committees need not be chosen from the Council.

Section 4. There shall be a standing Investments Committee of the Council consisting of the Treasurer, the Administrative Officer, and a member appointed by the Chair. This committee shall be charged with guiding CBMS investments while maintaining adequate liquidity for CBMS projects. At least 80% of such investments will be limited to interest bearing vehicles, including certificates of deposit, bank money market accounts, money market mutual funds, and treasury bills; up to 20% of such investments may be in no„load mutual funds. This committee shall review all CBMS investments semi–annually and it shall report to the Council at each annual meeting.

Article IV. Dues

Section 1. The dues of member societies of the CBMS shall be determined by the Council. Considerations shall be given to the basic budget of the CBMS and the size, financial strength, and scope of activities of each member organization. Dues shall be paid quarterly in advance.

Section 2. Any proposal for changes in dues shall be circulated to the members of the Council at least thirty days before decision by the Council.

Section 3. Organizations invited to send their presidents to sit on the Council without vote may be asked to pay minimum dues.

Article V. Admission of New Members

Section 1. An organization applying for membership shall have existed for at least five years, and have a recognized national agenda.

Section 2. An organization shall have stated in its constitution or bylaws and have exhibited in its activities that its objectives is the furtherance of one or more scholarly activities (meaning research in, education in, and/or application of) one or more of the mathematical sciences or the furtherance of one or more fields within the mathematical sciences or the promotion of the interest of mathematics at one or more educational levels.

Section 3. The applying organization shall give assurance that it is prepared to pay the current annual dues set by the CBMS for organizations of the type of the applying organizations and, in particular, in the case of small organizations, the current minimum dues set by the CBMS.

Section 4. The applying organization’s status under the Internal Revenue Code shall be such so as not to jeopardize the tax exempt status of the CBMS. (Normally this shall mean that the organization qualifies under Section 501–C–3 of the Internal Revenue Code).

Section 5. The application shall be submitted to the CBMS Council for action in accordance with Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution of the CBMS.

Last amended, May 1995